Source code for grpc.aio._call

# Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Invocation-side implementation of gRPC Asyncio Python."""

import asyncio
import enum
from functools import partial
import inspect
import logging
import traceback
from typing import (

import grpc
from grpc import _common
from grpc._cython import cygrpc

from . import _base_call
from ._metadata import Metadata
from ._typing import DeserializingFunction
from ._typing import DoneCallbackType
from ._typing import EOFType
from ._typing import MetadatumType
from ._typing import RequestIterableType
from ._typing import RequestType
from ._typing import ResponseType
from ._typing import SerializingFunction

__all__ = "AioRpcError", "Call", "UnaryUnaryCall", "UnaryStreamCall"

_LOCAL_CANCELLATION_DETAILS = "Locally cancelled by application!"
_GC_CANCELLATION_DETAILS = "Cancelled upon garbage collection!"
_RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS = 'RPC is half closed after calling "done_writing".'
    "The iterator and read/write APIs may not be mixed on a single RPC."

    '<{} of RPC that terminated with:\n\tstatus = {}\n\tdetails = "{}"\n>'

    "<{} of RPC that terminated with:\n"
    "\tstatus = {}\n"
    '\tdetails = "{}"\n'
    '\tdebug_error_string = "{}"\n'

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AioRpcError(grpc.RpcError): """An implementation of RpcError to be used by the asynchronous API. Raised RpcError is a snapshot of the final status of the RPC, values are determined. Hence, its methods no longer needs to be coroutines. """ _code: grpc.StatusCode _details: Optional[str] _initial_metadata: Optional[Metadata] _trailing_metadata: Optional[Metadata] _debug_error_string: Optional[str] def __init__( self, code: grpc.StatusCode, initial_metadata: Metadata, trailing_metadata: Metadata, details: Optional[str] = None, debug_error_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Constructor. Args: code: The status code with which the RPC has been finalized. details: Optional details explaining the reason of the error. initial_metadata: Optional initial metadata that could be sent by the Server. trailing_metadata: Optional metadata that could be sent by the Server. """ super().__init__() self._code = code self._details = details self._initial_metadata = initial_metadata self._trailing_metadata = trailing_metadata self._debug_error_string = debug_error_string
[docs] def code(self) -> grpc.StatusCode: """Accesses the status code sent by the server. Returns: The `grpc.StatusCode` status code. """ return self._code
[docs] def details(self) -> Optional[str]: """Accesses the details sent by the server. Returns: The description of the error. """ return self._details
[docs] def initial_metadata(self) -> Metadata: """Accesses the initial metadata sent by the server. Returns: The initial metadata received. """ return self._initial_metadata
[docs] def trailing_metadata(self) -> Metadata: """Accesses the trailing metadata sent by the server. Returns: The trailing metadata received. """ return self._trailing_metadata
[docs] def debug_error_string(self) -> str: """Accesses the debug error string sent by the server. Returns: The debug error string received. """ return self._debug_error_string
def _repr(self) -> str: """Assembles the error string for the RPC error.""" return _NON_OK_CALL_REPRESENTATION.format( self.__class__.__name__, self._code, self._details, self._debug_error_string, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._repr() def __str__(self) -> str: return self._repr() def __reduce__(self): return ( type(self), ( self._code, self._initial_metadata, self._trailing_metadata, self._details, self._debug_error_string, ), )
def _create_rpc_error( initial_metadata: Metadata, status: cygrpc.AioRpcStatus ) -> AioRpcError: return AioRpcError( _common.CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE_TO_STATUS_CODE[status.code()], Metadata.from_tuple(initial_metadata), Metadata.from_tuple(status.trailing_metadata()), details=status.details(), debug_error_string=status.debug_error_string(), ) class Call: """Base implementation of client RPC Call object. Implements logic around final status, metadata and cancellation. """ _loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop _code: grpc.StatusCode _cython_call: cygrpc._AioCall _metadata: Tuple[MetadatumType, ...] _request_serializer: SerializingFunction _response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction def __init__( self, cython_call: cygrpc._AioCall, metadata: Metadata, request_serializer: SerializingFunction, response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: self._loop = loop self._cython_call = cython_call self._metadata = tuple(metadata) self._request_serializer = request_serializer self._response_deserializer = response_deserializer def __del__(self) -> None: # The '_cython_call' object might be destructed before Call object if hasattr(self, "_cython_call"): if not self._cython_call.done(): self._cancel(_GC_CANCELLATION_DETAILS) def cancelled(self) -> bool: return self._cython_call.cancelled() def _cancel(self, details: str) -> bool: """Forwards the application cancellation reasoning.""" if not self._cython_call.done(): self._cython_call.cancel(details) return True else: return False def cancel(self) -> bool: return self._cancel(_LOCAL_CANCELLATION_DETAILS) def done(self) -> bool: return self._cython_call.done() def add_done_callback(self, callback: DoneCallbackType) -> None: cb = partial(callback, self) self._cython_call.add_done_callback(cb) def time_remaining(self) -> Optional[float]: return self._cython_call.time_remaining() async def initial_metadata(self) -> Metadata: raw_metadata_tuple = await self._cython_call.initial_metadata() return Metadata.from_tuple(raw_metadata_tuple) async def trailing_metadata(self) -> Metadata: raw_metadata_tuple = ( await self._cython_call.status() ).trailing_metadata() return Metadata.from_tuple(raw_metadata_tuple) async def code(self) -> grpc.StatusCode: cygrpc_code = (await self._cython_call.status()).code() return _common.CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE_TO_STATUS_CODE[cygrpc_code] async def details(self) -> str: return (await self._cython_call.status()).details() async def debug_error_string(self) -> str: return (await self._cython_call.status()).debug_error_string() async def _raise_for_status(self) -> None: if self._cython_call.is_locally_cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError() code = await self.code() if code != grpc.StatusCode.OK: raise _create_rpc_error( await self.initial_metadata(), await self._cython_call.status() ) def _repr(self) -> str: return repr(self._cython_call) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._repr() def __str__(self) -> str: return self._repr() class _APIStyle(enum.IntEnum): UNKNOWN = 0 ASYNC_GENERATOR = 1 READER_WRITER = 2 class _UnaryResponseMixin(Call, Generic[ResponseType]): _call_response: asyncio.Task def _init_unary_response_mixin(self, response_task: asyncio.Task): self._call_response = response_task def cancel(self) -> bool: if super().cancel(): self._call_response.cancel() return True else: return False def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, ResponseType]: """Wait till the ongoing RPC request finishes.""" try: response = yield from self._call_response except asyncio.CancelledError: # Even if we caught all other CancelledError, there is still # this corner case. If the application cancels immediately after # the Call object is created, we will observe this # `CancelledError`. if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise # NOTE(lidiz) If we raise RpcError in the task, and users doesn't # 'await' on it. AsyncIO will log 'Task exception was never retrieved'. # Instead, if we move the exception raising here, the spam stops. # Unfortunately, there can only be one 'yield from' in '__await__'. So, # we need to access the private instance variable. if response is cygrpc.EOF: if self._cython_call.is_locally_cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError() else: raise _create_rpc_error( self._cython_call._initial_metadata, self._cython_call._status, ) else: return response class _StreamResponseMixin(Call): _message_aiter: AsyncIterator[ResponseType] _preparation: asyncio.Task _response_style: _APIStyle def _init_stream_response_mixin(self, preparation: asyncio.Task): self._message_aiter = None self._preparation = preparation self._response_style = _APIStyle.UNKNOWN def _update_response_style(self, style: _APIStyle): if self._response_style is _APIStyle.UNKNOWN: self._response_style = style elif self._response_style is not style: raise cygrpc.UsageError(_API_STYLE_ERROR) def cancel(self) -> bool: if super().cancel(): self._preparation.cancel() return True else: return False async def _fetch_stream_responses(self) -> ResponseType: message = await self._read() while message is not cygrpc.EOF: yield message message = await self._read() # If the read operation failed, Core should explain why. await self._raise_for_status() def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[ResponseType]: self._update_response_style(_APIStyle.ASYNC_GENERATOR) if self._message_aiter is None: self._message_aiter = self._fetch_stream_responses() return self._message_aiter async def _read(self) -> ResponseType: # Wait for the request being sent await self._preparation # Reads response message from Core try: raw_response = await self._cython_call.receive_serialized_message() except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise if raw_response is cygrpc.EOF: return cygrpc.EOF else: return _common.deserialize( raw_response, self._response_deserializer ) async def read(self) -> Union[EOFType, ResponseType]: if self.done(): await self._raise_for_status() return cygrpc.EOF self._update_response_style(_APIStyle.READER_WRITER) response_message = await self._read() if response_message is cygrpc.EOF: # If the read operation failed, Core should explain why. await self._raise_for_status() return response_message class _StreamRequestMixin(Call): _metadata_sent: asyncio.Event _done_writing_flag: bool _async_request_poller: Optional[asyncio.Task] _request_style: _APIStyle def _init_stream_request_mixin( self, request_iterator: Optional[RequestIterableType] ): self._metadata_sent = asyncio.Event() self._done_writing_flag = False # If user passes in an async iterator, create a consumer Task. if request_iterator is not None: self._async_request_poller = self._loop.create_task( self._consume_request_iterator(request_iterator) ) self._request_style = _APIStyle.ASYNC_GENERATOR else: self._async_request_poller = None self._request_style = _APIStyle.READER_WRITER def _raise_for_different_style(self, style: _APIStyle): if self._request_style is not style: raise cygrpc.UsageError(_API_STYLE_ERROR) def cancel(self) -> bool: if super().cancel(): if self._async_request_poller is not None: self._async_request_poller.cancel() return True else: return False def _metadata_sent_observer(self): self._metadata_sent.set() async def _consume_request_iterator( self, request_iterator: RequestIterableType ) -> None: try: if inspect.isasyncgen(request_iterator) or hasattr( request_iterator, "__aiter__" ): async for request in request_iterator: try: await self._write(request) except AioRpcError as rpc_error: _LOGGER.debug( ( "Exception while consuming the" " request_iterator: %s" ), rpc_error, ) return else: for request in request_iterator: try: await self._write(request) except AioRpcError as rpc_error: _LOGGER.debug( ( "Exception while consuming the" " request_iterator: %s" ), rpc_error, ) return await self._done_writing() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except # Client iterators can raise exceptions, which we should handle by # cancelling the RPC and logging the client's error. No exceptions # should escape this function. _LOGGER.debug( "Client request_iterator raised exception:\n%s", traceback.format_exc(), ) self.cancel() async def _write(self, request: RequestType) -> None: if self.done(): raise asyncio.InvalidStateError(_RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS) if self._done_writing_flag: raise asyncio.InvalidStateError(_RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS) if not self._metadata_sent.is_set(): await self._metadata_sent.wait() if self.done(): await self._raise_for_status() serialized_request = _common.serialize( request, self._request_serializer ) try: await self._cython_call.send_serialized_message(serialized_request) except cygrpc.InternalError as err: self._cython_call.set_internal_error(str(err)) await self._raise_for_status() except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise async def _done_writing(self) -> None: if self.done(): # If the RPC is finished, do nothing. return if not self._done_writing_flag: # If the done writing is not sent before, try to send it. self._done_writing_flag = True try: await self._cython_call.send_receive_close() except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise async def write(self, request: RequestType) -> None: self._raise_for_different_style(_APIStyle.READER_WRITER) await self._write(request) async def done_writing(self) -> None: """Signal peer that client is done writing. This method is idempotent. """ self._raise_for_different_style(_APIStyle.READER_WRITER) await self._done_writing() async def wait_for_connection(self) -> None: await self._metadata_sent.wait() if self.done(): await self._raise_for_status() class UnaryUnaryCall(_UnaryResponseMixin, Call, _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall): """Object for managing unary-unary RPC calls. Returned when an instance of `UnaryUnaryMultiCallable` object is called. """ _request: RequestType _invocation_task: asyncio.Task # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, request: RequestType, deadline: Optional[float], metadata: Metadata, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials], wait_for_ready: Optional[bool], channel: cygrpc.AioChannel, method: bytes, request_serializer: SerializingFunction, response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: super().__init__(, deadline, credentials, wait_for_ready), metadata, request_serializer, response_deserializer, loop, ) self._request = request self._context = cygrpc.build_census_context() self._invocation_task = loop.create_task(self._invoke()) self._init_unary_response_mixin(self._invocation_task) async def _invoke(self) -> ResponseType: serialized_request = _common.serialize( self._request, self._request_serializer ) # NOTE(lidiz) asyncio.CancelledError is not a good transport for status, # because the asyncio.Task class do not cache the exception object. # try: serialized_response = await self._cython_call.unary_unary( serialized_request, self._metadata, self._context ) except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() if self._cython_call.is_ok(): return _common.deserialize( serialized_response, self._response_deserializer ) else: return cygrpc.EOF async def wait_for_connection(self) -> None: await self._invocation_task if self.done(): await self._raise_for_status() class UnaryStreamCall(_StreamResponseMixin, Call, _base_call.UnaryStreamCall): """Object for managing unary-stream RPC calls. Returned when an instance of `UnaryStreamMultiCallable` object is called. """ _request: RequestType _send_unary_request_task: asyncio.Task # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, request: RequestType, deadline: Optional[float], metadata: Metadata, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials], wait_for_ready: Optional[bool], channel: cygrpc.AioChannel, method: bytes, request_serializer: SerializingFunction, response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: super().__init__(, deadline, credentials, wait_for_ready), metadata, request_serializer, response_deserializer, loop, ) self._request = request self._context = cygrpc.build_census_context() self._send_unary_request_task = loop.create_task( self._send_unary_request() ) self._init_stream_response_mixin(self._send_unary_request_task) async def _send_unary_request(self) -> ResponseType: serialized_request = _common.serialize( self._request, self._request_serializer ) try: await self._cython_call.initiate_unary_stream( serialized_request, self._metadata, self._context ) except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise async def wait_for_connection(self) -> None: await self._send_unary_request_task if self.done(): await self._raise_for_status() # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors class StreamUnaryCall( _StreamRequestMixin, _UnaryResponseMixin, Call, _base_call.StreamUnaryCall ): """Object for managing stream-unary RPC calls. Returned when an instance of `StreamUnaryMultiCallable` object is called. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, request_iterator: Optional[RequestIterableType], deadline: Optional[float], metadata: Metadata, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials], wait_for_ready: Optional[bool], channel: cygrpc.AioChannel, method: bytes, request_serializer: SerializingFunction, response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: super().__init__(, deadline, credentials, wait_for_ready), metadata, request_serializer, response_deserializer, loop, ) self._context = cygrpc.build_census_context() self._init_stream_request_mixin(request_iterator) self._init_unary_response_mixin(loop.create_task(self._conduct_rpc())) async def _conduct_rpc(self) -> ResponseType: try: serialized_response = await self._cython_call.stream_unary( self._metadata, self._metadata_sent_observer, self._context ) except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() raise if self._cython_call.is_ok(): return _common.deserialize( serialized_response, self._response_deserializer ) else: return cygrpc.EOF class StreamStreamCall( _StreamRequestMixin, _StreamResponseMixin, Call, _base_call.StreamStreamCall ): """Object for managing stream-stream RPC calls. Returned when an instance of `StreamStreamMultiCallable` object is called. """ _initializer: asyncio.Task # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, request_iterator: Optional[RequestIterableType], deadline: Optional[float], metadata: Metadata, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials], wait_for_ready: Optional[bool], channel: cygrpc.AioChannel, method: bytes, request_serializer: SerializingFunction, response_deserializer: DeserializingFunction, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: super().__init__(, deadline, credentials, wait_for_ready), metadata, request_serializer, response_deserializer, loop, ) self._context = cygrpc.build_census_context() self._initializer = self._loop.create_task(self._prepare_rpc()) self._init_stream_request_mixin(request_iterator) self._init_stream_response_mixin(self._initializer) async def _prepare_rpc(self): """This method prepares the RPC for receiving/sending messages. All other operations around the stream should only happen after the completion of this method. """ try: await self._cython_call.initiate_stream_stream( self._metadata, self._metadata_sent_observer, self._context ) except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.cancelled(): self.cancel() # No need to raise RpcError here, because no one will `await` this task.