gRPC Admin

What is gRPC Admin?

It’s a convenient API to improve the usability of creating a gRPC server with admin services to expose states in the gRPC library.

Design Document gRPC Admin Interface

Module Contents

gRPC Python’s Admin interface.


Register admin servicers to a server.

gRPC provides some predefined admin services to make debugging easier by exposing gRPC’s internal states. Each existing admin service is packaged as a separate library, and the documentation of the predefined admin services is usually scattered. It can be time consuming to get the dependency management, module initialization, and library import right for each one of them.

This API provides a convenient way to create a gRPC server to expose admin services. With this, any new admin services that you may add in the future are automatically available via the admin interface just by upgrading your gRPC version.


server – A gRPC server to which all admin services will be added.