Source code for grpc.aio._base_channel

# Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Abstract base classes for Channel objects and Multicallable objects."""

import abc
from typing import Generic, Optional

import grpc

from . import _base_call
from ._typing import DeserializingFunction
from ._typing import MetadataType
from ._typing import RequestIterableType
from ._typing import RequestType
from ._typing import ResponseType
from ._typing import SerializingFunction

[docs]class UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(Generic[RequestType, ResponseType], abc.ABC): """Enables asynchronous invocation of a unary-call RPC."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, request: RequestType, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials] = None, wait_for_ready: Optional[bool] = None, compression: Optional[grpc.Compression] = None, ) -> _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall[RequestType, ResponseType]: """Asynchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: request: The request value for the RPC. timeout: An optional duration of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. metadata: Optional :term:`metadata` to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. Only valid for secure Channel. wait_for_ready: An optional flag to enable :term:`wait_for_ready` mechanism. compression: An element of grpc.compression, e.g. grpc.compression.Gzip. Returns: A UnaryUnaryCall object. Raises: RpcError: Indicates that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's metadata, status code, and details. """
[docs]class UnaryStreamMultiCallable(Generic[RequestType, ResponseType], abc.ABC): """Enables asynchronous invocation of a server-streaming RPC."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, request: RequestType, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials] = None, wait_for_ready: Optional[bool] = None, compression: Optional[grpc.Compression] = None, ) -> _base_call.UnaryStreamCall[RequestType, ResponseType]: """Asynchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: request: The request value for the RPC. timeout: An optional duration of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. metadata: Optional :term:`metadata` to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. Only valid for secure Channel. wait_for_ready: An optional flag to enable :term:`wait_for_ready` mechanism. compression: An element of grpc.compression, e.g. grpc.compression.Gzip. Returns: A UnaryStreamCall object. Raises: RpcError: Indicates that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's metadata, status code, and details. """
[docs]class StreamUnaryMultiCallable(abc.ABC): """Enables asynchronous invocation of a client-streaming RPC."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, request_iterator: Optional[RequestIterableType] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials] = None, wait_for_ready: Optional[bool] = None, compression: Optional[grpc.Compression] = None, ) -> _base_call.StreamUnaryCall: """Asynchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: request_iterator: An optional async iterable or iterable of request messages for the RPC. timeout: An optional duration of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. metadata: Optional :term:`metadata` to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. Only valid for secure Channel. wait_for_ready: An optional flag to enable :term:`wait_for_ready` mechanism. compression: An element of grpc.compression, e.g. grpc.compression.Gzip. Returns: A StreamUnaryCall object. Raises: RpcError: Indicates that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's metadata, status code, and details. """
[docs]class StreamStreamMultiCallable(abc.ABC): """Enables asynchronous invocation of a bidirectional-streaming RPC."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, request_iterator: Optional[RequestIterableType] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, credentials: Optional[grpc.CallCredentials] = None, wait_for_ready: Optional[bool] = None, compression: Optional[grpc.Compression] = None, ) -> _base_call.StreamStreamCall: """Asynchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: request_iterator: An optional async iterable or iterable of request messages for the RPC. timeout: An optional duration of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. metadata: Optional :term:`metadata` to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. Only valid for secure Channel. wait_for_ready: An optional flag to enable :term:`wait_for_ready` mechanism. compression: An element of grpc.compression, e.g. grpc.compression.Gzip. Returns: A StreamStreamCall object. Raises: RpcError: Indicates that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's metadata, status code, and details. """
[docs]class Channel(abc.ABC): """Enables asynchronous RPC invocation as a client. Channel objects implement the Asynchronous Context Manager (aka. async with) type, although they are not supported to be entered and exited multiple times. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def __aenter__(self): """Starts an asynchronous context manager. Returns: Channel the channel that was instantiated. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Finishes the asynchronous context manager by closing the channel. Still active RPCs will be cancelled. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def close(self, grace: Optional[float] = None): """Closes this Channel and releases all resources held by it. This method immediately stops the channel from executing new RPCs in all cases. If a grace period is specified, this method waits until all active RPCs are finished or until the grace period is reached. RPCs that haven't been terminated within the grace period are aborted. If a grace period is not specified (by passing None for grace), all existing RPCs are cancelled immediately. This method is idempotent. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_state( self, try_to_connect: bool = False ) -> grpc.ChannelConnectivity: """Checks the connectivity state of a channel. This is an EXPERIMENTAL API. If the channel reaches a stable connectivity state, it is guaranteed that the return value of this function will eventually converge to that state. Args: try_to_connect: a bool indicate whether the Channel should try to connect to peer or not. Returns: A ChannelConnectivity object. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def wait_for_state_change( self, last_observed_state: grpc.ChannelConnectivity, ) -> None: """Waits for a change in connectivity state. This is an EXPERIMENTAL API. The function blocks until there is a change in the channel connectivity state from the "last_observed_state". If the state is already different, this function will return immediately. There is an inherent race between the invocation of "Channel.wait_for_state_change" and "Channel.get_state". The state can change arbitrary many times during the race, so there is no way to observe every state transition. If there is a need to put a timeout for this function, please refer to "asyncio.wait_for". Args: last_observed_state: A grpc.ChannelConnectivity object representing the last known state. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def channel_ready(self) -> None: """Creates a coroutine that blocks until the Channel is READY."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def unary_unary( self, method: str, request_serializer: Optional[SerializingFunction] = None, response_deserializer: Optional[DeserializingFunction] = None, _registered_method: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> UnaryUnaryMultiCallable: """Creates a UnaryUnaryMultiCallable for a unary-unary method. Args: method: The name of the RPC method. request_serializer: Optional :term:`serializer` for serializing the request message. Request goes unserialized in case None is passed. response_deserializer: Optional :term:`deserializer` for deserializing the response message. Response goes undeserialized in case None is passed. _registered_method: Implementation Private. Optional: A bool representing whether the method is registered. Returns: A UnaryUnaryMultiCallable value for the named unary-unary method. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def unary_stream( self, method: str, request_serializer: Optional[SerializingFunction] = None, response_deserializer: Optional[DeserializingFunction] = None, _registered_method: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> UnaryStreamMultiCallable: """Creates a UnaryStreamMultiCallable for a unary-stream method. Args: method: The name of the RPC method. request_serializer: Optional :term:`serializer` for serializing the request message. Request goes unserialized in case None is passed. response_deserializer: Optional :term:`deserializer` for deserializing the response message. Response goes undeserialized in case None is passed. _registered_method: Implementation Private. Optional: A bool representing whether the method is registered. Returns: A UnaryStreamMultiCallable value for the named unary-stream method. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stream_unary( self, method: str, request_serializer: Optional[SerializingFunction] = None, response_deserializer: Optional[DeserializingFunction] = None, _registered_method: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> StreamUnaryMultiCallable: """Creates a StreamUnaryMultiCallable for a stream-unary method. Args: method: The name of the RPC method. request_serializer: Optional :term:`serializer` for serializing the request message. Request goes unserialized in case None is passed. response_deserializer: Optional :term:`deserializer` for deserializing the response message. Response goes undeserialized in case None is passed. _registered_method: Implementation Private. Optional: A bool representing whether the method is registered. Returns: A StreamUnaryMultiCallable value for the named stream-unary method. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stream_stream( self, method: str, request_serializer: Optional[SerializingFunction] = None, response_deserializer: Optional[DeserializingFunction] = None, _registered_method: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> StreamStreamMultiCallable: """Creates a StreamStreamMultiCallable for a stream-stream method. Args: method: The name of the RPC method. request_serializer: Optional :term:`serializer` for serializing the request message. Request goes unserialized in case None is passed. response_deserializer: Optional :term:`deserializer` for deserializing the response message. Response goes undeserialized in case None is passed. _registered_method: Implementation Private. Optional: A bool representing whether the method is registered. Returns: A StreamStreamMultiCallable value for the named stream-stream method. """