class | Alarm |
| Trigger a CompletionQueue event, or asynchronous callback execution, after some deadline. More...
class | AsyncGenericService |
class | AuthContext |
| Class encapsulating the Authentication Information. More...
class | AuthMetadataProcessor |
| Interface allowing custom server-side authorization based on credentials encoded in metadata. More...
class | AuthPropertyIterator |
class | ByteBuffer |
| A sequence of bytes. More...
class | CallbackGenericService |
| CallbackGenericService is the base class for generic services implemented using the callback API and registered through the ServerBuilder using RegisterCallbackGenericService. More...
class | CallbackServerContext |
class | CallCredentials |
| A call credentials object encapsulates the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server for a given call on a channel. More...
class | Channel |
| Channels represent a connection to an endpoint. Created by CreateChannel. More...
class | ChannelArguments |
| Options for channel creation. More...
class | ChannelCredentials |
| A channel credentials object encapsulates all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server for a given channel. More...
class | ChannelInterface |
| Codegen interface for grpc::Channel. More...
class | ClientAsyncReader |
| Async client-side API for doing server-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class | ClientAsyncReaderInterface |
class | ClientAsyncReaderWriter |
| Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the outgoing message stream going to the server has messages of type W, and the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class | ClientAsyncReaderWriterInterface |
| Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the client-to-server message stream has messages of type W, and the server-to-client message stream has messages of type R. More...
class | ClientAsyncResponseReader |
| Async API for client-side unary RPCs, where the message response received from the server is of type R. More...
class | ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface |
| An interface relevant for async client side unary RPCs (which send one request message to a server and receive one response message). More...
class | ClientAsyncWriter |
| Async API on the client side for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream going to the server contains messages of type W. More...
class | ClientAsyncWriterInterface |
| Common interface for client side asynchronous writing. More...
class | ClientBidiReactor |
| ClientBidiReactor is the interface for a bidirectional streaming RPC. More...
class | ClientCallbackReader |
class | ClientCallbackReaderWriter |
class | ClientCallbackUnary |
class | ClientCallbackWriter |
class | ClientContext |
| A ClientContext allows the person implementing a service client to: More...
class | ClientReader |
| Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for doing server-streaming RPCs, where the stream of messages coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class | ClientReaderInterface |
| Client-side interface for streaming reads of message of type R. More...
class | ClientReaderWriter |
| Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for bi-directional streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the client has messages of type W, and the incoming messages stream coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class | ClientReaderWriterInterface |
| Client-side interface for bi-directional streaming with client-to-server stream messages of type W and server-to-client stream messages of type R. More...
class | ClientReadReactor |
| ClientReadReactor is the interface for a server-streaming RPC. More...
class | ClientUnaryReactor |
| ClientUnaryReactor is a reactor-style interface for a unary RPC. More...
class | ClientWriter |
| Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the client has messages of type W. More...
class | ClientWriteReactor |
| ClientWriteReactor is the interface for a client-streaming RPC. More...
class | ClientWriterInterface |
| Client-side interface for streaming writes of message type W. More...
class | CompletionQueue |
| A thin wrapper around grpc_completion_queue (see src/core/lib/surface/completion_queue.h). More...
class | ContextAllocator |
| A CallbackServerContext allows users to use the contents of the CallbackServerContext or GenericCallbackServerContext structure for the callback API. More...
class | DefaultGlobalCallbackHook |
class | GenericCallbackServerContext |
class | GenericServerContext |
class | GlobalCallbackHook |
class | HealthCheckServiceInterface |
| The gRPC server uses this interface to expose the health checking service without depending on protobuf. More...
class | HealthCheckServiceServerBuilderOption |
class | MessageAllocator |
class | MessageHolder |
class | MetadataCredentialsPlugin |
| User defined metadata credentials. More...
class | PropagationOptions |
| Options for ClientContext::FromServerContext specifying which traits from the ServerContext to propagate (copy) from it into a new ClientContext. More...
class | ProtoBufferReader |
| This is a specialization of the protobuf class ZeroCopyInputStream The principle is to get one chunk of data at a time from the proto layer, with options to backup (re-see some bytes) or skip (forward past some bytes) More...
class | ProtoBufferWriter |
| This is a specialization of the protobuf class ZeroCopyOutputStream. More...
class | ResourceQuota |
| ResourceQuota represents a bound on memory and thread usage by the gRPC library. More...
class | RpcAllocatorState |
class | SerializationTraits |
| Defines how to serialize and deserialize some type. More...
class | SerializationTraits< ByteBuffer, void > |
class | SerializationTraits< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< grpc::protobuf::MessageLite, T >::value >::type > |
class | Server |
| Represents a gRPC server. More...
class | ServerAsyncReader |
| Async server-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream from the client has messages of type R, and the single response message sent from the server is type W. More...
class | ServerAsyncReaderInterface |
class | ServerAsyncReaderWriter |
| Async server-side API for doing bidirectional streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R, and the outgoing message stream coming from the server has messages of type W. More...
class | ServerAsyncReaderWriterInterface |
| Server-side interface for asynchronous bi-directional streaming. More...
class | ServerAsyncResponseWriter |
| Async server-side API for handling unary calls, where the single response message sent to the client is of type W. More...
class | ServerAsyncWriter |
| Async server-side API for doing server streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream from the server has messages of type W. More...
class | ServerAsyncWriterInterface |
class | ServerBidiReactor |
| ServerBidiReactor is the interface for a bidirectional streaming RPC. More...
class | ServerBuilder |
| A builder class for the creation and startup of grpc::Server instances. More...
class | ServerBuilderOption |
| Interface to pass an option to a ServerBuilder. More...
class | ServerBuilderPlugin |
| This interface is meant for internal usage only. More...
class | ServerCallbackReader |
class | ServerCallbackReaderWriter |
class | ServerCallbackUnary |
class | ServerCallbackWriter |
class | ServerCompletionQueue |
| A specific type of completion queue used by the processing of notifications by servers. More...
class | ServerContext |
| A ServerContext or CallbackServerContext allows the code implementing a service handler to: More...
class | ServerContextBase |
| Base class of ServerContext. More...
class | ServerCredentials |
| Wrapper around grpc_server_credentials, a way to authenticate a server. More...
class | ServerInitializer |
class | ServerInterface |
class | ServerReader |
| Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R. More...
class | ServerReaderInterface |
| Server-side interface for streaming reads of message of type R. More...
class | ServerReaderWriter |
| Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for a bidirectional streaming call, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R, and the outgoing message streaming coming from the server has messages of type W. More...
class | ServerReaderWriterInterface |
| Server-side interface for bi-directional streaming. More...
class | ServerReadReactor |
| ServerReadReactor is the interface for a client-streaming RPC. More...
class | ServerSplitStreamer |
| A class to represent a flow-controlled server-side streaming call. More...
class | ServerUnaryReactor |
class | ServerUnaryStreamer |
| A class to represent a flow-controlled unary call. More...
class | ServerWriter |
| Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for doing for doing a server-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the server has messages of type W. More...
class | ServerWriteReactor |
| ServerWriteReactor is the interface for a server-streaming RPC. More...
class | ServerWriterInterface |
| Server-side interface for streaming writes of message of type W. More...
class | Service |
| Descriptor of an RPC service and its various RPC methods. More...
class | Slice |
| A wrapper around grpc_slice. More...
struct | SslCredentialsOptions |
| Options used to build SslCredentials. More...
struct | SslServerCredentialsOptions |
| Options to create ServerCredentials with SSL. More...
class | Status |
| Did it work? If it didn't, why? More...
class | string_ref |
| This class is a non owning reference to a string. More...
class | StubOptions |
| Useful interface for generated stubs. More...
class | TemplatedGenericStub |
| Generic stubs provide a type-unaware interface to call gRPC methods by name. More...
class | TemplatedGenericStubCallback |
| Generic stubs provide a type-unaware interface to call gRPC methods by name. More...
class | TimePoint |
| If you are trying to use CompletionQueue::AsyncNext with a time class that isn't either gpr_timespec or std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, you will most likely be looking at this comment as your compiler will have fired an error below. More...
class | TimePoint< gpr_timespec > |
class | TimePoint< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > |
class | WriteOptions |
| Per-message write options. More...
class | XdsServerBuilder |
class | XdsServerServingStatusNotifierInterface |
std::shared_ptr< Channel > | CreateChannelInternal (const std::string &host, grpc_channel *c_channel, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< experimental::ClientInterceptorFactoryInterface >> interceptor_creators) |
std::shared_ptr< Channel > | CreateChannel (const grpc::string &target, const std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > &creds) |
| Create a new Channel pointing to target. More...
std::shared_ptr< Channel > | CreateCustomChannel (const grpc::string &target, const std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > &creds, const ChannelArguments &args) |
| Create a new custom Channel pointing to target. More...
std::string | Version () |
| Return gRPC library version. More...
void | EnableDefaultHealthCheckService (bool enable) |
| Enable/disable the default health checking service. More...
bool | DefaultHealthCheckServiceEnabled () |
| Returns whether the default health checking service is enabled. More...
std::unique_ptr< ServerBuilderOption > | MakeChannelArgumentOption (const std::string &name, const std::string &value) |
std::unique_ptr< ServerBuilderOption > | MakeChannelArgumentOption (const std::string &name, int value) |
std::unique_ptr< ServerBuilderOption > | MakeChannelArgumentOption (const std::string &name, void *value) |
std::shared_ptr< const AuthContext > | CreateAuthContext (grpc_call *call) |
| TODO(ctiller): not sure we want to make this a permanent thing. More...
template<class ProtoBufferWriter , class T > |
Status | GenericSerialize (const grpc::protobuf::MessageLite &msg, ByteBuffer *bb, bool *own_buffer) |
template<class ProtoBufferReader , class T > |
Status | GenericDeserialize (ByteBuffer *buffer, grpc::protobuf::MessageLite *msg) |
std::shared_ptr< Channel > | CreateCustomChannel (const grpc::string &target, const std::shared_ptr< grpc::ChannelCredentials > &creds, const grpc::ChannelArguments &args) |
std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > | XdsCredentials (const std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > &fallback_creds) |
| Builds XDS Credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > | GoogleDefaultCredentials () |
| Builds credentials with reasonable defaults. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > | SslCredentials (const SslCredentialsOptions &options) |
| Builds SSL Credentials given SSL specific options. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | GoogleComputeEngineCredentials () |
| Builds credentials for use when running in GCE. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | ServiceAccountJWTAccessCredentials (const grpc::string &json_key, long token_lifetime_seconds=kMaxAuthTokenLifetimeSecs) |
| Builds Service Account JWT Access credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | GoogleRefreshTokenCredentials (const grpc::string &json_refresh_token) |
| Builds refresh token credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | AccessTokenCredentials (const grpc::string &access_token) |
| Builds access token credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | GoogleIAMCredentials (const grpc::string &authorization_token, const grpc::string &authority_selector) |
| Builds IAM credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > | CompositeChannelCredentials (const std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > &channel_creds, const std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > &call_creds) |
| Combines a channel credentials and a call credentials into a composite channel credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | CompositeCallCredentials (const std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > &creds1, const std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > &creds2) |
| Combines two call credentials objects into a composite call credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChannelCredentials > | InsecureChannelCredentials () |
| Credentials for an unencrypted, unauthenticated channel. More...
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | MetadataCredentialsFromPlugin (std::unique_ptr< MetadataCredentialsPlugin > plugin) |
std::shared_ptr< CallCredentials > | ExternalAccountCredentials (const grpc::string &json_string, const std::vector< grpc::string > &scopes) |
| Builds External Account credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< ServerCredentials > | XdsServerCredentials (const std::shared_ptr< ServerCredentials > &fallback_credentials) |
| Builds Xds ServerCredentials given fallback credentials. More...
std::shared_ptr< ServerCredentials > | SslServerCredentials (const grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions &options) |
| Builds SSL ServerCredentials given SSL specific options. More...
std::shared_ptr< ServerCredentials > | InsecureServerCredentials () |
std::shared_ptr< GlobalCallbackHook > | GetGlobalCallbackHook () |
void | SetGlobalCallbackHook (GlobalCallbackHook *hook) |
grpc::string_ref | StringRefFromSlice (const grpc_slice *slice) |
std::string | StringFromCopiedSlice (grpc_slice slice) |
grpc_slice | SliceReferencingString (const std::string &str) |
grpc_slice | SliceFromCopiedString (const std::string &str) |
bool | operator== (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
| Comparison operators. More...
bool | operator!= (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
bool | operator< (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
bool | operator<= (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
bool | operator> (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
bool | operator>= (string_ref x, string_ref y) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const string_ref &string) |
void | Timepoint2Timespec (const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &from, gpr_timespec *to) |
void | TimepointHR2Timespec (const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point &from, gpr_timespec *to) |
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point | Timespec2Timepoint (gpr_timespec t) |
An Alarm posts the user-provided tag to its associated completion queue or invokes the user-provided function on expiry or cancellation.
This header provides an object that writes bytes directly into a grpc::ByteBuffer, via the ZeroCopyOutputStream interface.
This header provides an object that reads bytes directly from a grpc::ByteBuffer, via the ZeroCopyInputStream interface.
This header provides serialization and deserialization between gRPC messages serialized using protobuf and the C++ objects they represent.