GRPC Core  45.0.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
credentials.h File Reference
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include <grpc/grpc_security_constants.h>
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

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Data Structures

struct  grpc_sts_credentials_options
 Options for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft More...
struct  grpc_auth_metadata_context
 Context that can be used by metadata credentials plugin in order to create auth related metadata. More...
struct  grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin
 grpc_metadata_credentials plugin is an API user provided structure used to create grpc_credentials objects that can be set on a channel (composed) or a call. More...
struct  grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair
 Object that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format. More...
struct  verify_peer_options
 Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options. More...
struct  grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options
 Object that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure channel. More...
struct  grpc_auth_metadata_processor
 Pluggable server-side metadata processor object. More...
struct  grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
struct  grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request::peer_info
struct  grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request::peer_info::san_names
struct  grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...


 Maximum number of metadata entries returnable by a credentials plugin via a synchronous return. More...


typedef struct grpc_call_credentials grpc_call_credentials
 — grpc_call_credentials object — More...
typedef struct grpc_auth_context grpc_auth_context
typedef void(* grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb) (void *user_data, const grpc_metadata *creds_md, size_t num_creds_md, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)
 Callback function to be called by the metadata credentials plugin implementation when the metadata is ready. More...
typedef struct grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config
 Server certificate config object holds the server's public certificates and associated private keys, as well as any CA certificates needed for client certificate validation (if applicable). More...
typedef grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status(* grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback) (void *user_data, grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config **config)
 Callback to retrieve updated SSL server certificates, private keys, and trusted CAs (for client authentication). More...
typedef struct grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options
typedef void(* grpc_process_auth_metadata_done_cb) (void *user_data, const grpc_metadata *consumed_md, size_t num_consumed_md, const grpc_metadata *response_md, size_t num_response_md, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)
 — Auth Metadata Processing — More...
typedef struct grpc_alts_credentials_options grpc_alts_credentials_options
 — ALTS channel/server credentials — More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_credentials_options grpc_tls_credentials_options
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_certificate_provider grpc_tls_certificate_provider
 — TLS channel/server credentials — It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_identity_pairs grpc_tls_identity_pairs
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef void(* grpc_tls_on_custom_verification_check_done_cb) (grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request *request, void *callback_arg, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_certificate_verifier grpc_tls_certificate_verifier
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
typedef struct grpc_ssl_session_cache grpc_ssl_session_cache
 — SSL Session Cache. More...
typedef grpc_ssl_roots_override_result(* grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback) (char **pem_root_certs)
 Callback for getting the SSL roots override from the application. More...


GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create (const char *json_key, gpr_timespec token_lifetime, void *reserved)
 Creates a JWT credentials object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_external_account_credentials_create (const char *json_string, const char *scopes_string)
 Builds External Account credentials. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create (const char *json_refresh_token, void *reserved)
 Creates an Oauth2 Refresh Token credentials object for connecting to Google. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_access_token_credentials_create (const char *access_token, void *reserved)
 Creates an Oauth2 Access Token credentials with an access token that was acquired by an out of band mechanism. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_google_iam_credentials_create (const char *authorization_token, const char *authority_selector, void *reserved)
 Creates an IAM credentials object for connecting to Google. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_sts_credentials_create (const grpc_sts_credentials_options *options, void *reserved)
 Creates an STS credentials following the STS Token Exchanged specified in the IETF draft More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_copy (grpc_auth_metadata_context *from, grpc_auth_metadata_context *to)
 Performs a deep copy from from to to. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_reset (grpc_auth_metadata_context *context)
 Releases internal resources held by context. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin (grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin plugin, grpc_security_level min_security_level, void *reserved)
 Creates a credentials object from a plugin with a specified minimum security level. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_call_credentials_release (grpc_call_credentials *creds)
 — channel credentials — More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_google_default_credentials_create (grpc_call_credentials *call_credentials)
 Creates default credentials to connect to a google gRPC service. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_certificate_configgrpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create (const char *pem_root_certs, const grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, size_t num_key_cert_pairs)
 Creates a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy (grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config *config)
 Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_ssl_credentials_create (const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair, const verify_peer_options *verify_options, void *reserved)
 Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_ssl_credentials_create_ex (const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair, const grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options *verify_options, void *reserved)
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_ssl_server_credentials_create (const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, size_t num_key_cert_pairs, int force_client_auth, void *reserved)
 — server credentials — More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex (const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, size_t num_key_cert_pairs, grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request, void *reserved)
 Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_optionsgrpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config (grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request, grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config *certificate_config)
 Creates an options object using a certificate config. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_optionsgrpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config_fetcher (grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request, grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback cb, void *user_data)
 Creates an options object using a certificate config fetcher. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options_destroy (grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options *options)
 Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options (grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options *options)
 Creates an SSL server_credentials object using the provided options struct. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor (grpc_server_credentials *creds, grpc_auth_metadata_processor processor)
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_composite_call_credentials_create (grpc_call_credentials *creds1, grpc_call_credentials *creds2, void *reserved)
 — composite credentials — More...
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentialsgrpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create (void *reserved)
 Creates a compute engine credentials object for connecting to Google. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_composite_channel_credentials_create (grpc_channel_credentials *channel_creds, grpc_call_credentials *call_creds, void *reserved)
 Creates a composite channel credentials object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_optionsgrpc_alts_credentials_client_options_create (void)
 This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials client options instance. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_optionsgrpc_alts_credentials_server_options_create (void)
 This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials server options instance. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_add_target_service_account (grpc_alts_credentials_options *options, const char *service_account)
 This method adds a target service account to grpc client's ALTS credentials options instance. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy (grpc_alts_credentials_options *options)
 This method destroys a grpc_alts_credentials_options instance by de-allocating all of its occupied memory. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_alts_credentials_create (const grpc_alts_credentials_options *options)
 This method creates an ALTS channel credential object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_alts_server_credentials_create (const grpc_alts_credentials_options *options)
 This method creates an ALTS server credential object. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_tls_identity_pairsgrpc_tls_identity_pairs_create ()
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_identity_pairs_add_pair (grpc_tls_identity_pairs *pairs, const char *private_key, const char *cert_chain)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_identity_pairs_destroy (grpc_tls_identity_pairs *pairs)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_tls_certificate_providergrpc_tls_certificate_provider_static_data_create (const char *root_certificate, grpc_tls_identity_pairs *pem_key_cert_pairs)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_tls_certificate_providergrpc_tls_certificate_provider_file_watcher_create (const char *private_key_path, const char *identity_certificate_path, const char *root_cert_path, unsigned int refresh_interval_sec)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_certificate_provider_release (grpc_tls_certificate_provider *provider)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
grpc_tls_certificate_verifiergrpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external_create (grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external *external_verifier)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
grpc_tls_certificate_verifiergrpc_tls_certificate_verifier_no_op_create ()
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
grpc_tls_certificate_verifiergrpc_tls_certificate_verifier_host_name_create ()
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
void grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_release (grpc_tls_certificate_verifier *verifier)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
int grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_verify (grpc_tls_certificate_verifier *verifier, grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request *request, grpc_tls_on_custom_verification_check_done_cb callback, void *callback_arg, grpc_status_code *sync_status, char **sync_error_details)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
void grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_cancel (grpc_tls_certificate_verifier *verifier, grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request *request)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_optionsgrpc_tls_credentials_options_create (void)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_tls_credentials_create (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_tls_server_credentials_create (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_min_tls_version (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, grpc_tls_version min_tls_version)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_max_tls_version (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, grpc_tls_version max_tls_version)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_optionsgrpc_tls_credentials_options_copy (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_destroy (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_provider (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, grpc_tls_certificate_provider *provider)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_root_certs (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_root_cert_name (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, const char *root_cert_name)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_identity_key_cert_pairs (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_identity_cert_name (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, const char *identity_cert_name)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type type)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_crl_directory (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, const char *crl_directory)
 Deprecated in favor of grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_crl_provider. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_verify_server_cert (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, int verify_server_cert)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_send_client_ca_list (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, bool send_client_ca_list)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_session_cachegrpc_ssl_session_cache_create_lru (size_t capacity)
 Create LRU cache for client-side SSL sessions with the given capacity. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_session_cache_destroy (grpc_ssl_session_cache *cache)
 Destroy SSL session cache. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_arg grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_channel_arg (grpc_ssl_session_cache *cache)
 Create a channel arg with the given cache object. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_set_ssl_roots_override_callback (grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback cb)
 Setup a callback to override the default TLS/SSL roots. More...
GRPCAPI gpr_timespec grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime (void)
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_insecure_credentials_create ()
 — insecure credentials — More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_insecure_server_credentials_create ()
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_xds_credentials_create (grpc_channel_credentials *fallback_credentials)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_xds_server_credentials_create (grpc_server_credentials *fallback_credentials)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentialsgrpc_local_credentials_create (grpc_local_connect_type type)
 — Local channel/server credentials — More...
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentialsgrpc_local_server_credentials_create (grpc_local_connect_type type)
 This method creates a local server credential object. More...
void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_verifier (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, grpc_tls_certificate_verifier *verifier)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_check_call_host (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, int check_call_host)
 EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. More...
GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_tls_session_key_log_file_path (grpc_tls_credentials_options *options, const char *path)
 — TLS session key logging. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum number of metadata entries returnable by a credentials plugin via a synchronous return.

Typedef Documentation

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_options

— ALTS channel/server credentials —

Main interface for ALTS credentials options. The options will contain information that will be passed from grpc to TSI layer such as RPC protocol versions. ALTS client (channel) and server credentials will have their own implementation of this interface. The APIs listed in this header are thread-compatible. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

◆ grpc_auth_context

◆ grpc_call_credentials

— grpc_call_credentials object —

A call credentials object represents a way to authenticate on a particular call. These credentials can be composed with a channel credentials object so that they are sent with every call on this channel.

◆ grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb

typedef void(* grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb) (void *user_data, const grpc_metadata *creds_md, size_t num_creds_md, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)

Callback function to be called by the metadata credentials plugin implementation when the metadata is ready.

  • user_data is the opaque pointer that was passed in the get_metadata method of the grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin (see below).
  • creds_md is an array of credentials metadata produced by the plugin. It may be set to NULL in case of an error.
  • num_creds_md is the number of items in the creds_md array.
  • status must be GRPC_STATUS_OK in case of success or another specific error code otherwise.
  • error_details contains details about the error if any. In case of success it should be NULL and will be otherwise ignored.

◆ grpc_process_auth_metadata_done_cb

typedef void(* grpc_process_auth_metadata_done_cb) (void *user_data, const grpc_metadata *consumed_md, size_t num_consumed_md, const grpc_metadata *response_md, size_t num_response_md, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)

— Auth Metadata Processing —

Callback function that is called when the metadata processing is done.

  • Consumed metadata will be removed from the set of metadata available on the call. consumed_md may be NULL if no metadata has been consumed.
  • Response metadata will be set on the response. response_md may be NULL.
  • status is GRPC_STATUS_OK for success or a specific status for an error. Common error status for auth metadata processing is either GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED in case of an authentication failure or GRPC_STATUS PERMISSION_DENIED in case of an authorization failure.
  • error_details gives details about the error. May be NULL.

◆ grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback

typedef grpc_ssl_roots_override_result(* grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback) (char **pem_root_certs)

Callback for getting the SSL roots override from the application.

In case of success, *pem_roots_certs must be set to a NULL terminated string containing the list of PEM encoded root certificates. The ownership is passed to the core and freed (laster by the core) with gpr_free. If this function fails and GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment is set to a valid path, it will override the roots specified this func

◆ grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config

Server certificate config object holds the server's public certificates and associated private keys, as well as any CA certificates needed for client certificate validation (if applicable).

Create using grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create().

◆ grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback

typedef grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status( * grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback) (void *user_data, grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config **config)

Callback to retrieve updated SSL server certificates, private keys, and trusted CAs (for client authentication).

  • user_data parameter, if not NULL, contains opaque data to be used by the callback.
  • Use grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create to create the config.
  • The caller assumes ownership of the config.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options

◆ grpc_ssl_session_cache

— SSL Session Cache.

A SSL session cache object represents a way to cache client sessions between connections. Only ticket-based resumption is supported.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_provider

— TLS channel/server credentials — It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change

A struct provides ways to gain credential data that will be used in the TLS handshake.

A struct provides ways to gain credential data that will be used in the TLS handshake.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

The internal verifier type that will be used inside core.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

A struct containing all the necessary functions a custom external verifier needs to implement to be able to be converted to an internal verifier.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

A struct that can be specified by callers to configure underlying TLS behaviors.

◆ grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

The read-only request information exposed in a verification call. Callers should not directly manage the ownership of it. We will make sure it is always available inside verify() or cancel() call, and will destroy the object at the end of custom verification.

◆ grpc_tls_identity_pairs

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

A struct that stores the credential data presented to the peer in handshake to show local identity.

◆ grpc_tls_on_custom_verification_check_done_cb

typedef void(* grpc_tls_on_custom_verification_check_done_cb) (grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request *request, void *callback_arg, grpc_status_code status, const char *error_details)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

A callback function provided by gRPC as a parameter of the |verify| function in grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external. If |verify| is expected to be run asynchronously, the implementer of |verify| will need to invoke this callback with |callback_arg| and proper verification status at the end to bring the control back to gRPC C core.

Function Documentation

◆ grpc_access_token_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_access_token_credentials_create ( const char *  access_token,
void *  reserved 

Creates an Oauth2 Access Token credentials with an access token that was acquired by an out of band mechanism.

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_add_target_service_account()

GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_add_target_service_account ( grpc_alts_credentials_options options,
const char *  service_account 

This method adds a target service account to grpc client's ALTS credentials options instance.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance.
  • service_account: service account of target endpoint.

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_options* grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_create ( void  )

This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials client options instance.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_alts_credentials_create ( const grpc_alts_credentials_options options)

This method creates an ALTS channel credential object.

The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance for client.

It returns the created ALTS channel credential object.

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy ( grpc_alts_credentials_options options)

This method destroys a grpc_alts_credentials_options instance by de-allocating all of its occupied memory.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • options: a grpc_alts_credentials_options instance that needs to be destroyed.

◆ grpc_alts_credentials_server_options_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_options* grpc_alts_credentials_server_options_create ( void  )

This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials server options instance.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

◆ grpc_alts_server_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_alts_server_credentials_create ( const grpc_alts_credentials_options options)

This method creates an ALTS server credential object.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance for server.

It returns the created ALTS server credential object.

◆ grpc_auth_metadata_context_copy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_copy ( grpc_auth_metadata_context from,
grpc_auth_metadata_context to 

Performs a deep copy from from to to.

◆ grpc_auth_metadata_context_reset()

GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_reset ( grpc_auth_metadata_context context)

Releases internal resources held by context.

◆ grpc_call_credentials_release()

GRPCAPI void grpc_call_credentials_release ( grpc_call_credentials creds)

— channel credentials —

Releases a call credentials object. The creator of the credentials object is responsible for its release.

◆ grpc_composite_call_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_composite_call_credentials_create ( grpc_call_credentials creds1,
grpc_call_credentials creds2,
void *  reserved 

— composite credentials —

Creates a composite call credentials object.

◆ grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create ( grpc_channel_credentials channel_creds,
grpc_call_credentials call_creds,
void *  reserved 

Creates a composite channel credentials object.

The security level of resulting connection is determined by channel_creds.

◆ grpc_external_account_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_external_account_credentials_create ( const char *  json_string,
const char *  scopes_string 

Builds External Account credentials.

  • json_string is the JSON string containing the credentials options.
  • scopes_string contains the scopes to be binded with the credentials. This API is used for experimental purposes for now and may change in the future.

◆ grpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create ( void *  reserved)

Creates a compute engine credentials object for connecting to Google.

WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as this could result in an oauth2 token leak.

◆ grpc_google_default_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_google_default_credentials_create ( grpc_call_credentials call_credentials)

Creates default credentials to connect to a google gRPC service.

WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as this could result in an oauth2 token leak. The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.

If specified, the supplied call credentials object will be attached to the returned channel credentials object. The call_credentials object must remain valid throughout the lifetime of the returned grpc_channel_credentials object. It is expected that the call credentials object was generated according to the Application Default Credentials mechanism and asserts the identity of the default service account of the machine. Supplying any other sort of call credential will result in undefined behavior, up to and including the sudden and unexpected failure of RPCs.

If nullptr is supplied, the returned channel credentials object will use a call credentials object based on the Application Default Credentials mechanism.

◆ grpc_google_iam_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_iam_credentials_create ( const char *  authorization_token,
const char *  authority_selector,
void *  reserved 

Creates an IAM credentials object for connecting to Google.

◆ grpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create ( const char *  json_refresh_token,
void *  reserved 

Creates an Oauth2 Refresh Token credentials object for connecting to Google.

May return NULL if the input is invalid. WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as this could result in an oauth2 token leak.

  • json_refresh_token is the JSON string containing the refresh token itself along with a client_id and client_secret.

◆ grpc_insecure_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_insecure_credentials_create ( )

— insecure credentials —

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change

This method creates an insecure channel credentials object.

◆ grpc_insecure_server_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_insecure_server_credentials_create ( )

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

This method creates an insecure server credentials object.

◆ grpc_local_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_local_credentials_create ( grpc_local_connect_type  type)

— Local channel/server credentials —

This method creates a local channel credential object. The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY for UDS and GRPC_SECURITY_NONE for LOCAL_TCP. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • type: local connection type

It returns the created local channel credential object.

◆ grpc_local_server_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_local_server_credentials_create ( grpc_local_connect_type  type)

This method creates a local server credential object.

It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

  • type: local connection type

It returns the created local server credential object.

◆ grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime()

GRPCAPI gpr_timespec grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime ( void  )

◆ grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin ( grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin  plugin,
grpc_security_level  min_security_level,
void *  reserved 

Creates a credentials object from a plugin with a specified minimum security level.

◆ grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor()

GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor ( grpc_server_credentials creds,
grpc_auth_metadata_processor  processor 

◆ grpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create ( const char *  json_key,
gpr_timespec  token_lifetime,
void *  reserved 

Creates a JWT credentials object.

May return NULL if the input is invalid.

  • json_key is the JSON key string containing the client's private key.
  • token_lifetime is the lifetime of each Json Web Token (JWT) created with this credentials. It should not exceed grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime or will be cropped to this value.

◆ grpc_set_ssl_roots_override_callback()

GRPCAPI void grpc_set_ssl_roots_override_callback ( grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback  cb)

Setup a callback to override the default TLS/SSL roots.

This function is not thread-safe and must be called at initialization time before any ssl credentials are created to have the desired side effect. If GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment is set to a valid path, the callback will not be called.

◆ grpc_ssl_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_ssl_credentials_create ( const char *  pem_root_certs,
grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair,
const verify_peer_options verify_options,
void *  reserved 

Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex.

It will be removed after all of its call sites are migrated to grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex. Creates an SSL credentials object. The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.

  • pem_root_certs is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of the server root certificates. If this parameter is NULL, the implementation will first try to dereference the file pointed by the GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment variable, and if that fails, try to get the roots set by grpc_override_ssl_default_roots. Eventually, if all these fail, it will try to get the roots from a well-known place on disk (in the grpc install directory).

    gRPC has implemented root cache if the underlying OpenSSL library supports it. The gRPC root certificates cache is only applicable on the default root certificates, which is used when this parameter is nullptr. If user provides their own pem_root_certs, when creating an SSL credential object, gRPC would not be able to cache it, and each subchannel will generate a copy of the root store. So it is recommended to avoid providing large room pem with pem_root_certs parameter to avoid excessive memory consumption, particularly on mobile platforms such as iOS.

  • pem_key_cert_pair is a pointer on the object containing client's private key and certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does not have such a key/cert pair.
  • verify_options is an optional verify_peer_options object which holds additional options controlling how peer certificates are verified. For example, you can supply a callback which receives the peer's certificate with which you can do additional verification. Can be NULL, in which case verification will retain default behavior. Any settings in verify_options are copied during this call, so the verify_options object can be released afterwards.

◆ grpc_ssl_credentials_create_ex()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_ssl_credentials_create_ex ( const char *  pem_root_certs,
grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair,
const grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options verify_options,
void *  reserved 

◆ grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config* grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create ( const char *  pem_root_certs,
const grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pairs,
size_t  num_key_cert_pairs 

Creates a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object.

  • pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of the client root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does not want the client to be authenticated with SSL.
  • pem_key_cert_pairs is an array private key / certificate chains of the server. This parameter cannot be NULL.
  • num_key_cert_pairs indicates the number of items in the private_key_files and cert_chain_files parameters. It must be at least 1.
  • It is the caller's responsibility to free this object via grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy().

◆ grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy ( grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config config)

Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create ( const char *  pem_root_certs,
grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pairs,
size_t  num_key_cert_pairs,
int  force_client_auth,
void *  reserved 

— server credentials —

Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex. Creates an SSL server_credentials object.

  • pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of the client root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does not want the client to be authenticated with SSL.
  • pem_key_cert_pairs is an array private key / certificate chains of the server. This parameter cannot be NULL.
  • num_key_cert_pairs indicates the number of items in the private_key_files and cert_chain_files parameters. It should be at least 1.
  • force_client_auth, if set to non-zero will force the client to authenticate with an SSL cert. Note that this option is ignored if pem_root_certs is NULL.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex ( const char *  pem_root_certs,
grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pairs,
size_t  num_key_cert_pairs,
grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type  client_certificate_request,
void *  reserved 

Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options.

Same as grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create method except uses grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type enum to support more ways to authenticate client certificates.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config()

GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config ( grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type  client_certificate_request,
grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config certificate_config 

Creates an options object using a certificate config.

Use this method when the certificates and keys of the SSL server will not change during the server's lifetime.

  • Takes ownership of the certificate_config parameter.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config_fetcher()

GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config_fetcher ( grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type  client_certificate_request,
grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback  cb,
void *  user_data 

Creates an options object using a certificate config fetcher.

Use this method to reload the certificates and keys of the SSL server without interrupting the operation of the server. Initial certificate config will be fetched during server initialization.

  • user_data parameter, if not NULL, contains opaque data which will be passed to the fetcher (see definition of grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback).

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options ( grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options options)

Creates an SSL server_credentials object using the provided options struct.

  • Takes ownership of the options parameter.

◆ grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options_destroy ( grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options options)

Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options object.

◆ grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_channel_arg()

GRPCAPI grpc_arg grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_channel_arg ( grpc_ssl_session_cache cache)

Create a channel arg with the given cache object.

◆ grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_lru()

GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_session_cache* grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_lru ( size_t  capacity)

Create LRU cache for client-side SSL sessions with the given capacity.

If capacity is < 1, a default capacity is used instead.

◆ grpc_ssl_session_cache_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_session_cache_destroy ( grpc_ssl_session_cache cache)

Destroy SSL session cache.

◆ grpc_sts_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_sts_credentials_create ( const grpc_sts_credentials_options options,
void *  reserved 

Creates an STS credentials following the STS Token Exchanged specified in the IETF draft

This API is used for experimental purposes for now and may change in the future.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_provider_file_watcher_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_tls_certificate_provider* grpc_tls_certificate_provider_file_watcher_create ( const char *  private_key_path,
const char *  identity_certificate_path,
const char *  root_cert_path,
unsigned int  refresh_interval_sec 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates a grpc_tls_certificate_provider that will watch the credential changes on the file system. This provider will always return the up-to-date cert data for all the cert names callers set through |grpc_tls_credentials_options|. Note that this API only supports one key-cert file and hence one set of identity key-cert pair, so SNI(Server Name Indication) is not supported.

  • private_key_path is the file path of the private key. This must be set if |identity_certificate_path| is set. Otherwise, it could be null if no identity credentials are needed.
  • identity_certificate_path is the file path of the identity certificate chain. This must be set if |private_key_path| is set. Otherwise, it could be null if no identity credentials are needed.
  • root_cert_path is the file path to the root certificate bundle. This may be null if no root certs are needed.
  • refresh_interval_sec is the refreshing interval that we will check the files for updates. It does not take ownership of parameters.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_provider_release()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_certificate_provider_release ( grpc_tls_certificate_provider provider)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Releases a grpc_tls_certificate_provider object. The creator of the grpc_tls_certificate_provider object is responsible for its release.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_provider_static_data_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_tls_certificate_provider* grpc_tls_certificate_provider_static_data_create ( const char *  root_certificate,
grpc_tls_identity_pairs pem_key_cert_pairs 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates a grpc_tls_certificate_provider that will load credential data from static string during initialization. This provider will always return the same cert data for all cert names. root_certificate and pem_key_cert_pairs can be nullptr, indicating the corresponding credential data is not needed. This function will make a copy of |root_certificate|. The ownership of |pem_key_cert_pairs| is transferred.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_cancel()

void grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_cancel ( grpc_tls_certificate_verifier verifier,
grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request request 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Performs the cancellation logic of an internal verifier. This is typically used when composing the internal verifiers as part of the custom verification.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external_create()

grpc_tls_certificate_verifier* grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external_create ( grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_external external_verifier)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Converts an external verifier to an internal verifier. Note that we will not take the ownership of the external_verifier. Callers will need to delete external_verifier in its own destruct function.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_host_name_create()

grpc_tls_certificate_verifier* grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_host_name_create ( )

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Factory function for an internal verifier that will do the default hostname check.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_no_op_create()

grpc_tls_certificate_verifier* grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_no_op_create ( )

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Factory function for an internal verifier that won't perform any post-handshake verification. Note: using this solely without any other authentication mechanisms on the peer identity will leave your applications to the MITM(Man-In-The-Middle) attacks. Users should avoid doing so in production environments.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_release()

void grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_release ( grpc_tls_certificate_verifier verifier)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Releases a grpc_tls_certificate_verifier object. The creator of the grpc_tls_certificate_verifier object is responsible for its release.

◆ grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_verify()

int grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_verify ( grpc_tls_certificate_verifier verifier,
grpc_tls_custom_verification_check_request request,
grpc_tls_on_custom_verification_check_done_cb  callback,
void *  callback_arg,
grpc_status_code sync_status,
char **  sync_error_details 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Performs the verification logic of an internal verifier. This is typically used when composing the internal verifiers as part of the custom verification. If |grpc_tls_certificate_verifier_verify| returns true, inspect the verification result through request->status and request->error_details. Otherwise, inspect through the parameter of |callback|.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_create()

grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_tls_credentials_create ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates a TLS channel credential object based on the grpc_tls_credentials_options specified by callers. The grpc_channel_credentials will take the ownership of the |options|. The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_copy()

GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_options* grpc_tls_credentials_options_copy ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Copies a grpc_tls_credentials_options.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_options* grpc_tls_credentials_options_create ( void  )

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates an grpc_tls_credentials_options.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_destroy ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Destroys a grpc_tls_credentials_options.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type  type 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the options of whether to request and/or verify client certs. This shall only be called on the server side.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_provider()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_provider ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
grpc_tls_certificate_provider provider 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the credential provider in the options. The |options| will implicitly take a new ref to the |provider|.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_verifier()

void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_certificate_verifier ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
grpc_tls_certificate_verifier verifier 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the verifier in options. The |options| will implicitly take a new ref to the |verifier|. If not set on the client side, we will verify server's certificates, and check the default hostname. If not set on the server side, we will verify client's certificates.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_check_call_host()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_check_call_host ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
int  check_call_host 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the options of whether to check the hostname of the peer on a per-call basis. This is usually used in a combination with virtual hosting at the client side, where each individual call on a channel can have a different host associated with it. This check is intended to verify that the host specified for the individual call is covered by the cert that the peer presented. The default is a non-zero value, which indicates performing such checks.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_crl_directory()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_crl_directory ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
const char *  crl_directory 

Deprecated in favor of grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_crl_provider.

The crl provider interface provides a significantly more flexible approach to using CRLs. See gRFC A69 for details. EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change

If set, gRPC will read all hashed x.509 CRL files in the directory and enforce the CRL files on all TLS handshakes. Only supported for OpenSSL version > 1.1. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_identity_cert_name()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_identity_cert_name ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
const char *  identity_cert_name 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the name of the identity certificates being watched. If not set, We will use a default empty string as the identity certificate name.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_max_tls_version()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_max_tls_version ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
grpc_tls_version  max_tls_version 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the maximum TLS version that will be negotiated during the TLS handshake. If not set, the underlying SSL library will set it to TLS v1.3.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_min_tls_version()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_min_tls_version ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
grpc_tls_version  min_tls_version 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the minimum TLS version that will be negotiated during the TLS handshake. If not set, the underlying SSL library will set it to TLS v1.2.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_root_cert_name()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_root_cert_name ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
const char *  root_cert_name 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the name of the root certificates being watched. If not set, We will use a default empty string as the root certificate name.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_send_client_ca_list()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_send_client_ca_list ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
bool  send_client_ca_list 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets whether or not a TLS server should send a list of CA names in the ServerHello. This list of CA names is read from the server's trust bundle, so that the client can use this list as a hint to know which certificate it should send to the server.

WARNING: This API is extremely dangerous and should not be used. If the server's trust bundle is too large, then the TLS server will be unable to form a ServerHello, and hence will be unusable. The definition of "too large" depends on the underlying SSL library being used and on the size of the CN fields of the certificates in the trust bundle.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_tls_session_key_log_file_path()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_tls_session_key_log_file_path ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
const char *  path 

— TLS session key logging.

— Experimental API to control tls session key logging. Tls session key logging is expected to be used only for debugging purposes and never in production. Tls session key logging is only enabled when: At least one grpc_tls_credentials_options object is assigned a tls session key logging file path using the API specified below. EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change. Configures a grpc_tls_credentials_options object with tls session key logging capability. TLS channels using these credentials have tls session key logging enabled.

  • options is the grpc_tls_credentials_options object
  • path is a string pointing to the location where TLS session keys would be stored.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_verify_server_cert()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_verify_server_cert ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options,
int  verify_server_cert 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Sets the options of whether to verify server certs on the client side. Passing in a non-zero value indicates verifying the certs.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_identity_key_cert_pairs()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_identity_key_cert_pairs ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

If set, gRPC stack will keep watching the identity key-cert pairs with name |identity_cert_name|. This is required on the server side, and optional on the client side.

◆ grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_root_certs()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_credentials_options_watch_root_certs ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

If set, gRPC stack will keep watching the root certificates with name |root_cert_name|. If this is not set on the client side, we will use the root certificates stored in the default system location, since client side must provide root certificates in TLS. If this is not set on the server side, we will not watch any root certificate updates, and assume no root certificates needed for the server(single-side TLS). Default root certs on the server side is not supported.

◆ grpc_tls_identity_pairs_add_pair()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_identity_pairs_add_pair ( grpc_tls_identity_pairs pairs,
const char *  private_key,
const char *  cert_chain 

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Adds a identity private key and a identity certificate chain to grpc_tls_identity_pairs. This function will make an internal copy of |private_key| and |cert_chain|.

◆ grpc_tls_identity_pairs_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_tls_identity_pairs* grpc_tls_identity_pairs_create ( )

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates a grpc_tls_identity_pairs that stores a list of identity credential data, including identity private key and identity certificate chain.

◆ grpc_tls_identity_pairs_destroy()

GRPCAPI void grpc_tls_identity_pairs_destroy ( grpc_tls_identity_pairs pairs)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Destroys a grpc_tls_identity_pairs object. If this object is passed to a provider initiation function, the ownership is transferred so this function doesn't need to be called. Otherwise the creator of the grpc_tls_identity_pairs object is responsible for its destruction.

◆ grpc_tls_server_credentials_create()

grpc_server_credentials* grpc_tls_server_credentials_create ( grpc_tls_credentials_options options)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

Creates a TLS server credential object based on the grpc_tls_credentials_options specified by callers. The grpc_server_credentials will take the ownership of the |options|.

◆ grpc_xds_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_xds_credentials_create ( grpc_channel_credentials fallback_credentials)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

This method creates an xDS channel credentials object.

Creating a channel with credentials of this type indicates that the channel should get credentials configuration from the xDS control plane.

fallback_credentials are used if the channel target does not have the 'xds:///' scheme or if the xDS control plane does not provide information on how to fetch credentials dynamically. Does NOT take ownership of the fallback_credentials. (Internally takes a ref to the object.)

◆ grpc_xds_server_credentials_create()

GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_xds_server_credentials_create ( grpc_server_credentials fallback_credentials)

EXPERIMENTAL API - Subject to change.

This method creates an xDS server credentials object.

fallback_credentials are used if the xDS control plane does not provide information on how to fetch credentials dynamically.

Does NOT take ownership of the fallback_credentials. (Internally takes a ref to the object.)