Package io.grpc.stub

Class ClientCalls

  • public final class ClientCalls
    extends Object
    Utility functions for processing different call idioms. We have one-to-one correspondence between utilities in this class and the potential signatures in a generated stub class so that the runtime can vary behavior without requiring regeneration of the stub.
    • Method Detail

      • asyncUnaryCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> void asyncUnaryCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                             ReqT req,
                                                             StreamObserver<RespT> responseObserver)
        Executes a unary call with a response StreamObserver. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.

        If the provided responseObserver is an instance of ClientResponseObserver, beforeStart() will be called.

      • asyncServerStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> void asyncServerStreamingCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                       ReqT req,
                                                                       StreamObserver<RespT> responseObserver)
        Executes a server-streaming call with a response StreamObserver. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.

        If the provided responseObserver is an instance of ClientResponseObserver, beforeStart() will be called.

      • asyncClientStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> StreamObserver<ReqT> asyncClientStreamingCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                                       StreamObserver<RespT> responseObserver)
        Executes a client-streaming call returning a StreamObserver for the request messages. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.

        If the provided responseObserver is an instance of ClientResponseObserver, beforeStart() will be called.

        request stream observer. It will extend ClientCallStreamObserver
      • asyncBidiStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> StreamObserver<ReqT> asyncBidiStreamingCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                                     StreamObserver<RespT> responseObserver)
        Executes a bidirectional-streaming call. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.

        If the provided responseObserver is an instance of ClientResponseObserver, beforeStart() will be called.

        request stream observer. It will extend ClientCallStreamObserver
      • blockingUnaryCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> RespT blockingUnaryCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                 ReqT req)
        Executes a unary call and blocks on the response. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.
        the single response message.
        StatusRuntimeException - on error
      • blockingUnaryCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> RespT blockingUnaryCall​(Channel channel,
                                                                 MethodDescriptor<ReqT,​RespT> method,
                                                                 CallOptions callOptions,
                                                                 ReqT req)
        Executes a unary call and blocks on the response. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.
        the single response message.
        StatusRuntimeException - on error
      • blockingServerStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> Iterator<RespT> blockingServerStreamingCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                                     ReqT req)
        Executes a server-streaming call returning a blocking Iterator over the response stream. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.

        The returned iterator may throw StatusRuntimeException on error.

        an iterator over the response stream.
      • blockingServerStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> Iterator<RespT> blockingServerStreamingCall​(Channel channel,
                                                                                     MethodDescriptor<ReqT,​RespT> method,
                                                                                     CallOptions callOptions,
                                                                                     ReqT req)
        Executes a server-streaming call returning a blocking Iterator over the response stream.

        The returned iterator may throw StatusRuntimeException on error.

        Warning: the iterator can result in leaks if not completely consumed.

        an iterator over the response stream.
      • blockingBidiStreamingCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT> BlockingClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> blockingBidiStreamingCall​(Channel channel,
                                                                                                        MethodDescriptor<ReqT,​RespT> method,
                                                                                                        CallOptions callOptions)
        Initiate a bidirectional-streaming ClientCall and returning a stream object (BlockingClientCall) which can be used by the client to send and receive messages over the grpc channel.
        an object representing the call which can be used to read, write and terminate it.
      • futureUnaryCall

        public static <ReqT,​RespT><RespT> futureUnaryCall​(ClientCall<ReqT,​RespT> call,
                                                                                                                   ReqT req)
        Executes a unary call and returns a ListenableFuture to the response. The call should not be already started. After calling this method, call should no longer be used.
        a future for the single response message.