NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.addListenAddress(SocketAddress listenAddress) |
Adds an additional address for this server to listen on.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.bossEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup group) |
Provides the boss EventGroupLoop to the server.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.channelFactory(ChannelFactory<? extends ServerChannel> channelFactory) |
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.channelType(Class<? extends ServerChannel> channelType) |
Specifies the channel type to use, by default we use EpollServerSocketChannel if
available, otherwise using NioServerSocketChannel .
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.flowControlWindow(int flowControlWindow) |
Sets the flow control window in bytes.
static NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.forAddress(SocketAddress address) |
Creates a server builder configured with the given SocketAddress .
static NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.forAddress(SocketAddress address,
ServerCredentials creds) |
Creates a server builder configured with the given SocketAddress .
static NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.forPort(int port) |
Creates a server builder that will bind to the given port.
static NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.forPort(int port,
ServerCredentials creds) |
Creates a server builder that will bind to the given port.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.initialFlowControlWindow(int initialFlowControlWindow) |
Sets the initial flow control window in bytes.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.keepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Sets a custom keepalive time, the delay time for sending next keepalive ping.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.keepAliveTimeout(long keepAliveTimeout,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Sets a custom keepalive timeout, the timeout for keepalive ping requests.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection(int maxCalls) |
The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxConnectionAge(long maxConnectionAge,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Sets a custom max connection age, connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxConnectionAgeGrace(long maxConnectionAgeGrace,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Sets a custom grace time for the graceful connection termination.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxConnectionIdle(long maxConnectionIdle,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Sets a custom max connection idle time, connection being idle for longer than which will be
gracefully terminated.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxHeaderListSize(int maxHeaderListSize) |
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxInboundMessageSize(int bytes) |
Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxInboundMetadataSize(int bytes) |
Sets the maximum size of metadata allowed to be received.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxInboundMetadataSize(int soft,
int max) |
Sets the size of metadata that clients are advised to not exceed.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxMessageSize(int maxMessageSize) |
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.maxRstFramesPerWindow(int maxRstStream,
int secondsPerWindow) |
Limits the rate of incoming RST_STREAM frames per connection to maxRstStream per
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.permitKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime,
TimeUnit timeUnit) |
Specify the most aggressive keep-alive time clients are permitted to configure.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls(boolean permit) |
Sets whether to allow clients to send keep-alive HTTP/2 PINGs even if there are no outstanding
RPCs on the connection.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.protocolNegotiator(io.grpc.netty.ProtocolNegotiator protocolNegotiator) |
Sets the ProtocolNegotiator to be used.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.sslContext(SslContext sslContext) |
Sets the TLS context to use for encryption.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.useTransportSecurity(File certChain,
File privateKey) |
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.useTransportSecurity(InputStream certChain,
InputStream privateKey) |
<T> NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.withChildOption(ChannelOption<T> option,
T value) |
Specifies a child channel option.
<T> NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.withOption(ChannelOption<T> option,
T value) |
Specifies a channel option.
NettyServerBuilder |
NettyServerBuilder.workerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup group) |
Provides the worker EventGroupLoop to the server.