Class CsmObservability.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • sdk

        public CsmObservability.Builder sdk​(io.opentelemetry.api.OpenTelemetry sdk)
        Sets the OpenTelemetry entrypoint to use. This can be used to configure OpenTelemetry by returning the instance created by a io.opentelemetry.sdk.OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder.
      • addOptionalLabel

        public CsmObservability.Builder addOptionalLabel​(String optionalLabelKey)
        Adds optionalLabelKey to all the metrics that can provide value for the optionalLabelKey.
      • enableMetrics

        public CsmObservability.Builder enableMetrics​(Collection<String> enableMetrics)
        Enables the specified metrics for collection and export. By default, only a subset of metrics are enabled.
      • disableAllMetrics

        public CsmObservability.Builder disableAllMetrics()
        Disable all metrics. If set to true all metrics must be explicitly enabled.