Interface ClientHeaderOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasMetadata

        boolean hasMetadata()
         This contains only the metadata from the application.
        .grpc.binarylog.v1.Metadata metadata = 1;
        Whether the metadata field is set.
      • getMetadata

        Metadata getMetadata()
         This contains only the metadata from the application.
        .grpc.binarylog.v1.Metadata metadata = 1;
        The metadata.
      • getMetadataOrBuilder

        MetadataOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder()
         This contains only the metadata from the application.
        .grpc.binarylog.v1.Metadata metadata = 1;
      • getMethodName

        String getMethodName()
         The name of the RPC method, which looks something like:
         Note the leading "/" character.
        string method_name = 2;
        The methodName.
      • getMethodNameBytes

        ByteString getMethodNameBytes()
         The name of the RPC method, which looks something like:
         Note the leading "/" character.
        string method_name = 2;
        The bytes for methodName.
      • getAuthority

        String getAuthority()
         A single process may be used to run multiple virtual
         servers with different identities.
         The authority is the name of such a server identitiy.
         It is typically a portion of the URI in the form of
         <host> or <host>:<port> .
        string authority = 3;
        The authority.
      • getAuthorityBytes

        ByteString getAuthorityBytes()
         A single process may be used to run multiple virtual
         servers with different identities.
         The authority is the name of such a server identitiy.
         It is typically a portion of the URI in the form of
         <host> or <host>:<port> .
        string authority = 3;
        The bytes for authority.
      • hasTimeout

        boolean hasTimeout()
         the RPC timeout
        .google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 4;
        Whether the timeout field is set.
      • getTimeout

        Duration getTimeout()
         the RPC timeout
        .google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 4;
        The timeout.
      • getTimeoutOrBuilder

        DurationOrBuilder getTimeoutOrBuilder()
         the RPC timeout
        .google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 4;