GRPC PHP  1.71.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NGrpcClass AbstractCall
 CBaseStubBase class for generated client stubs
 CBidiStreamingCallRepresents an active call that allows for sending and receiving messages in streams in any order
 CCallClass Call
 CCallCredentialsClass CallCredentials
 CCallInvokerCallInvoker is used to pass the self defined channel into the stub, while intercept each RPC with the channel accessible
 CChannelClass Channel
 CChannelCredentialsClass ChannelCredentials
 CClientStreamingCallRepresents an active call that sends a stream of messages and then gets a single response
 CDefaultCallInvokerDefault call invoker in the gRPC stub
 CInterceptorRepresents an interceptor that intercept RPC invocations before call starts
 CMethodDescriptorThis is an experimental and incomplete implementation of gRPC server for PHP
 CServerClass Server
 CServerCallReaderThis is an experimental and incomplete implementation of gRPC server for PHP
 CServerCallWriterThis is an experimental and incomplete implementation of gRPC server for PHP
 CServerContextThis is an experimental and incomplete implementation of gRPC server for PHP
 CServerCredentialsClass ServerCredentials
 CServerStreamingCallRepresents an active call that sends a single message and then gets a stream of responses
 CTimevalClass Timeval
 CUnaryCallRepresents an active call that sends a single message and then gets a single response