gRPC Server Reflection provides information about publicly-accessible gRPC services on a server, and assists clients at runtime to construct RPC requests and responses without precompiled service information. It is used by gRPC CLI, which can be used to introspect server protos and send/receive test RPCs.
C++ Server Reflection is an add-on library, libgrpc++_reflection
. To enable C++ server reflection, you can link this library to your server binary.
Some platforms (e.g. Ubuntu 11.10 onwards) only link in libraries that directly contain symbols used by the application. On these platforms, LD flag --no-as-needed
is needed for dynamic linking and --whole-archive
is needed for static linking.
This Makefile demonstrates enabling c++ server reflection on Linux and MacOS.
After enabling Server Reflection in a server application, you can use gRPC CLI to test its services.
Instructions on how to use gRPC CLI can be found at, or using grpc_cli help
Here we use examples/cpp/helloworld
as an example to show the use of gRPC Server Reflection and gRPC CLI. First, we need to build gRPC CLI and setup an example server with Server Reflection enabled.
Setup an example server
Server Reflection has already been enabled in the Makefile of the helloworld example. We can simply make it and run the greeter_server.
gRPC CLI binary grpc_cli
can be found at bins/opt/
folder. This tool is still new and does not have a make install
target yet.
grpc_cli ls
command lists services and methods exposed at a given port
List one service with details
grpc_cli ls
command inspects a service given its full name (in the format of <package>.<service>). It can print information with a long listing format when -l
flag is set. This flag can be used to get more details about a service.
List one method with details
grpc_cli ls
command also inspects a method given its full name (in the format of <package>.<service>.<method>).
We can usegrpc_cli type
command to inspect request/response types given the full name of the type (in the format of <package>.<type>).
We can send RPCs to a server and get responses using grpc_cli call
Server Reflection can be used by clients to get information about gRPC services at runtime. We've provided a descriptor database called grpc::ProtoReflectionDescriptorDatabase which implements the google::protobuf::DescriptorDatabase interface. It manages the communication between clients and reflection services and the storage of received information. Clients can use it as using a local descriptor database.
Get Service/method descriptors.
```c++ const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service_desc = desc_pool->FindServiceByName("helloworld.Greeter"); const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method_desc = desc_pool->FindMethodByName("helloworld.Greeter.SayHello"); ```
Get message type descriptors and create messages dynamically.
```c++ const google::protobuf::Descriptor* request_desc = desc_pool->FindMessageTypeByName("helloworld.HelloRequest"); google::protobuf::DynamicMessageFactory dmf; google::protobuf::Message* request = dmf.GetPrototype(request_desc)->New(); ```
See Python Server Reflection.