Interface SocketOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasRef

        boolean hasRef()
         The identifier for the Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef ref = 1;
        Whether the ref field is set.
      • getRef

        SocketRef getRef()
         The identifier for the Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef ref = 1;
        The ref.
      • getRefOrBuilder

        SocketRefOrBuilder getRefOrBuilder()
         The identifier for the Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef ref = 1;
      • hasData

        boolean hasData()
         Data specific to this Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketData data = 2;
        Whether the data field is set.
      • getData

        SocketData getData()
         Data specific to this Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketData data = 2;
        The data.
      • getDataOrBuilder

        SocketDataOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder()
         Data specific to this Socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketData data = 2;
      • hasLocal

        boolean hasLocal()
         The locally bound address.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address local = 3;
        Whether the local field is set.
      • getLocal

        Address getLocal()
         The locally bound address.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address local = 3;
        The local.
      • getLocalOrBuilder

        AddressOrBuilder getLocalOrBuilder()
         The locally bound address.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address local = 3;
      • hasRemote

        boolean hasRemote()
         The remote bound address.  May be absent.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address remote = 4;
        Whether the remote field is set.
      • getRemote

        Address getRemote()
         The remote bound address.  May be absent.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address remote = 4;
        The remote.
      • getRemoteOrBuilder

        AddressOrBuilder getRemoteOrBuilder()
         The remote bound address.  May be absent.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Address remote = 4;
      • hasSecurity

        boolean hasSecurity()
         Security details for this socket.  May be absent if not available, or
         there is no security on the socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Security security = 5;
        Whether the security field is set.
      • getSecurity

        Security getSecurity()
         Security details for this socket.  May be absent if not available, or
         there is no security on the socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Security security = 5;
        The security.
      • getSecurityOrBuilder

        SecurityOrBuilder getSecurityOrBuilder()
         Security details for this socket.  May be absent if not available, or
         there is no security on the socket.
        .grpc.channelz.v1.Security security = 5;
      • getRemoteName

        String getRemoteName()
         Optional, represents the name of the remote endpoint, if different than
         the original target name.
        string remote_name = 6;
        The remoteName.
      • getRemoteNameBytes

        ByteString getRemoteNameBytes()
         Optional, represents the name of the remote endpoint, if different than
         the original target name.
        string remote_name = 6;
        The bytes for remoteName.